Welcome to the Imperial Academy of Service!
The Academy is a five-year course of instruction to prepare young Royals to rise victorious over life’s adversities to nobly champion peace and charity for all their lives. Applicants to the Academy are welcomed!
Synopsis of the Imperial Academy of Service:
The Imperial Academy of Service is the training institution for young Royals to achieve Imperial titles as Principals of the Empire of Earth. It takes approximately five years to train an Imperial Princess or Prince to be able to assume the duties of a responsible participant in our organization.
At the Academy, young Royals (age 10 and up) will be trained to correctly think, act, and speak. They will learn courtesy and comportment. They will learn personal health and care skills. The Academy will facilitate the learning of First Aid, CPR/AED, Fire Safety, and other important life skills. They will learn financial responsibility and noblesse oblige (as well as advanced vocabulary skills). They will learn leadership skills and group dynamics. They will learn about virtue and honor and perseverance and courage and all the good and noble things that is a child’s natural inheritance for adulthood.
Upon graduation they will be recognized as full Imperial Principals of the Empire of Man. This association is free and lifelong. As Imperial Prince or Imperial Princess your child will be a full voting member in the Empire of Man debating and deciding policy, allocating charitable funds, choosing office holders, and acting to forward the condition of all the people of Earth.
Even more important than these future Imperials are the first of the Royals, for they’ll set the pattern for the Empire to come. It is these young Royals who will determine the initial rules of Imperial service, set the standards of excellence, and forge the chains of friendship and leadership that can only grow with time into a great Empire. So if your child is of high destiny I ask that you consider allowing your child to be one of the Royals of the Empire.
There is a reasonable cost for this learning which can be paid as a single tuition or divided into yearly apportionments. Payment plans are available as well as tuition deductions for families with economic hardships. A significant portion (20% or more) of all tuition costs is used by the Imperial Academy of Service to fund charitable giving. In return you will receive thoughts and ideas that will inspire a child to excel, to achieve high honors, and to befriend other positive young adults; and eventually to be a happy and successful adult in later years delivering to grateful parents the lovely grandchildren that they so richly deserve.
The Imperial Academy of Service Yearly Curriculum
The following list of classes and courses is tentative and subject to change. Royals must first past the Academy’s Entrance Examination before they are allowed to enroll in formal classes, but their ultimate ranking in the Empire is dependent on both their achievements and their date of entry into the academy.
Royals of equal rank determine seniority by date of entry to the Academy. The courses are self-paced so it is possible to complete curriculum in less than five years if the Royal properly applies themself to the task. Graduates of the Academy become Imperial Principles.
The messenger is for the neophyte where the tasks allow the new Royal to learn the duties and responsibilities they will come to master and command, so the color of the messenger is white, a symbol of peace; it’s symbol, Wings, represents the spirit of the position as that the dove of peace, along with the traditional symbology of Hermes the Messenger of the Gods.
Emergency Response
Learning Module: Responding to Emergencies
- Activity: Role Play 911 Calls
- Activity: Stranger Danger
- Activity: Fire Survival Roll with Balloons
- Money Management
Learning Module: Beginning Salesmanship
- Activity: ¢ to $ Multiplying for Charity
- Leadership Skills
- Learning Module: Skills of a Good Leader
- Activity: Lead an Online Discussion
- Group Dynamics
Learning Module: The Tragedy of the Commons
- Activity: Participate in a Royal Party Adventure
- Activity: Virtual Royal Party Adventure
- Etiquette and Comportment
Learning Module: Importance of Human Beings
- Activity: Recording Network Relationships
- Humanities
Learning Module: The Human Spirit is…
- Activity: Understanding Aloha
Year 1 Virtual Capstone
Videogame: Complete VRR2040 Survivors game
Perform significant service for school or non-profit
The herald proclaims new laws and important events such as the arrival of royalty, a birth, an award, a warning. The color of the herald is Yellow signifying both the gold of a lion and the brass of a bell or horn.
The lion represents the high office the herald is serving and signifies the ad jure authority of the herald. The bell and horn are traditional signals used by heralds so the symbol of a herald is the Horn, although Imperial Heralds will carry a traditional hand-bell for use in conclaves.
Emergency Response
Learning Module: EMS Certifications
- Activity: Basic First Aid Certification
- Activity: Fire Safety and Prevention Certificate
- Money Management
- Learning Module: Investment Strategies
- Activity: Multiply a Stake for Charity
- Leadership Skills
Learning Module: Responsibilities of Leadership
- Activity: Lead a Virtual Royal Party Adventure
- Group Dynamics
Learning Module: Group Behavior
- Activity: Plan a Royal Party Adventure
- Etiquette and Comportment
Learning Module: Importance of Human Beings
- Activity: Recording Network Relationships
- Humanities
Learning Module: Latin Quotes
- Activity: Create Family Crest with Latin Motto
Year 2 Virtual Capstone
Videogame: Complete VRR2040 Heroes game
Herald Charitable Event
The role of the Royal Scout is to observe and report. The color of a Royal Scout is Dark Blue to signify darkness and twilight which are the times a scout best operates; the scout often remains unseen. The symbol of the Galloping Horse signifies the urgency and importance of the tasks required of a scout.
Emergency Response
Learning Module: Emergency Management
- Activity: Family Emergency Plans
- Activity: Critique School Emergency Plans
- Activity: Escape from holds
- Money Management
Learning Module: Collecting as
- Investment
- Activity: Create Collection Inventory
- Activity: Collection Storage
- Activity: Collection Acquisition and Sales
- Leadership Skills
Learning Module: Morality of Action
- Activity: Plan to provide community need
- Activity: Action to improve community
- Group Dynamics
Learning Module: NIMBY Good and Bad
- Activity: Survey local environmental threats
- Etiquette and Comportment
Learning Module: Honesty is the Best Policy
- Activity: Games Theory: Prisoner’s Dilemma
- Humanities
Learning Module: Autobiographies
- Activity: Journaling for Life
Year 3 Virtual Capstone
Videogame: First Responder Blues
Acting to Alleviate Community Injustice
The torchbearer is one who lights the trail for others to follow. The symbol of the torchbearer is that of a Burning Torch signifying light and truth. Its color, red, signifies the danger inherent for those who lead.
Emergency Response
Learning Module: Non-Aggressive Defense
- Activity: Write/Publish a Heroes’ Puzzle or Story
- Activity: CPR/AED Certification
- Money Management
Learning Module: Bookkeeping for Groups
- Activity: Audit Group(s) Finances
- Leadership Skills
Learning Module: Train Leaders
- Activity: Train Your Replacement
- Group Dynamics
Learning Module: Good and Bad Secrets
- Activity: Secret Sorting for the Master
- Etiquette and Comportment
Learning Module: Following Ideals
- Activity: Alignment in D&D
- Humanities
Learning Module: Candide and You
- Activity: Read/Reflect on a Classic
Year 4 Virtual Capstone
Videogame: Real Life 1- Threats to Life
Week of Service to Community
Completing the assignments of a Royal Ensign is the last step to accomplish prior to being inducted into Imperial ranks. The symbol of the ensign, Flags, signifies both the leadership of the ensigns as well as showing that they have reached their goals and won this race. The color of the ensign, Orange, is the brightest color- just as these ensigns will soon be the brightest new stars of the Empire.
Emergency Response
Learning Module: Maintaining the Edge
- Activity: Recertification Activities
- Activity: Civil Collapse Weekend
- Money Management
Learning Module: Investing for Life
- Activity: Retirement Account
- Leadership Skills
Learning Module: Action Over Words
- Activity: Meeting Group Objectives
- Group Dynamics
Learning Module: Volunteerism
- Activity: Membership Drive
- Etiquette and Comportment
Learning Module: Noblesse Oblige
- Activity: Personal Largesse
- Humanities
Learning Module: People are People
- Activity: Confronting the Unknown
- Activity: Essay on Being Royal
Year 5 Virtual Capstone*
Videogame: Real Life 2- Disaster
Imperial Service (2 weeks)
*note: When a Virtual Capstone course’s video game has not yet been released then princesses and princes enrolled in that course will be given an alternative learning tool so as not to delay their progression in the Academy.
**second note: This is a tentative listing of courses to be offered at the Imperial Academy of Service which may be added to or changed over time; please check at VRR2040.com for full and up-to-date details.
Emergency Response
Learning Module: Non-Aggressive Defense
- Activity: Write/Publish a Heroes’ Puzzle or Story
- Activity: CPR/AED Certification
- Money Management
Learning Module: Bookkeeping for Groups
- Activity: Audit Group(s) Finances
- Leadership Skills
Learning Module: Train Leaders
- Activity: Train Your Replacement
- Group Dynamics
Learning Module: Good and Bad Secrets
- Activity: Secret Sorting for the Master
- Etiquette and Comportment
Learning Module: Following Ideals
- Activity: Alignment in D&D
- Humanities
Learning Module: Candide and You
- Activity: Read/Reflect on a Classic
Year 4 Virtual Capstone
Videogame: Real Life 1- Threats to Life
Week of Service to Community